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Document it


Will it perform and will it meet all requirements including those associated with compliance also in relation to certification and standards?


All about sound engineering and the documentation of it!  


Simulation allow the imitation of the performance of a concept subject to designed conditions mimicking anticipated operational constraints. Current computer simulation techniques are extremely advanced and able to significantly complement experimental work. Experimental approaches are conventionally applied data-sets to validate computer simulation techniques. The goal of simulating is to prove the innovation is commercially viable. 


We apply the finite element methodology approach for analysing problems related to areas such as structures, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport, and electromagnetic potential. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used to analyse complex problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction whilst Finite Element analysis (FEA) is applied to simulate physical phenomena and thereby help optimising components and assemblies. Such computer aided engineering tools allow us to address design details and expected performance of designs before developing expensive test-protocols, test set-ups and prototypes.  











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